1.What is void-jar ?

		Void-jar is the same as voyager onomatopoetically.

1.1.The void-jar in imagination science.

The void-jar is virtual rocket.
It launches to the all world. And lands arbitrary bases.

Void-jar is void directory composite,  So it is called void-jar.
In the film directory, you can put any your self-made movie, music, photograph, pictures, high-tech  htmls( which is used for file-read-in. ) etc.
In the cm directory, you can also put self-made advertisement: your self-made ad movie, music, photograph, pictures, etc.
The void-jar's function is more.
In the sea directory, you can write in a message file. You can composite a message in the text file, or voice file, and throw it in the directory.     

Void-jar itself act only gather files into one file, jndex.voy. You can compress jndex.voy to jndex.voy.tar.gz file.  

When you use void-jar, first, you should put name determined(jndex.voy) file to,
1. Any directory.
2. Any storage. (SD card*-1 etc.) 
3. Any server with ftp. (like free ftp which you can search with internet. )

1.2.What's void-jar

void-jar is conposed of some tiny programs.
And it acts by some script files(.bat files (for win) ).
( i.e. void-jar includes tiny program group and script file group.)

1.3.Directory composition of void-jar.
void-jar's directory composition is below.

fig1. composition of void-jar directory.

Beforehand, you may expand voyager.zip, then expanded a voyager directory.

First, in this directory, there is an install(.bat) file,
then doing a double click, so vpid-jar will be installed.
(If you've already installed, then you may type A(all) following the double click.
If you re-install or buy new one.) 

1.5.1.For land(receive) void-jar
It must be set if you use. If not, void-jar won't land to your kiyomori directory.
Beforehand, you must calculate town's located number of your (line).

Major town's location
Yokohama : 59596060
London : 66664998
 Edinburgh : 80874913
 Liverpool : 79583378
New York : 72462944
Los Angeles : 68911718
Vancouver : 77301582
Australia : 36028707
Beth Lechem : 72335516
Jamaica : 60032856
Beijing : 71978229
 Harbin : 75698346
 Fujian : 64488310
Mongolia : 75847875

 The A-map's formula was retrieved. 

 (not) A = ( floor( ( ( X + 5400 ) / 10800 * 10000 ) ) ) * 10000
(retrieved)  A = ( floor( ( ( X + 9000 ) / 18000 * 10000 ) ) ) * 10000

(not) B = floor( ( Y + 10800 ) / 36000 * 10000 )
(retrieved) B = floor( ( Y + 18000 ) / 36000 * 10000 )
 First, beforehand, you must move to void-jar\bin directory. 
Then, you must edit regioner(.txt for win) with word pad(not note pad, 
because the .txt file code is UTF-8. )

Setting ("(plural)" means that It can set more than one.)
town (plural)
ranch (plural)

1.5.2.For launch(send) void-jar
Beforehand, you must calculate town's lacated number of your (line).

First, you must move to void-jar\script directory, 
and doing double click of the start(.bat) script, then showing command prompt.

Then you type pre-set-reg(.bat) and setting dialogue starts,

then you input data following the dialogue.  

1.6.Operation's flow 
Beforehand, you must move to void-jar\script directory. 

First, doing double click of the start(.bat) script, then showing command prompt.

1.6.1.For land(receive) void-jar
Beforehand, you land jndex.voy, jndex.voy.zip, or jndex.voy.tar.gz file,
(The jndex.voy file = void-jar,) into base directory,
with IE or other web browser.

Sample is here.

you can search the operation's method in inter-net with terms, like "download IE" or "ftp with IE" etc.

If using expand-voy(.bat), expanding a  jndex.voy.zip or jndex.voy.tar.gz to jndex.voy. 

If usingland-voy, making a kiyomori directory's files out of jndex.voy.  
(It is the main work.)

Then you can see contents in film directory or some directory you like.

.tar.gz format is available as long as you've installed the tar command's program.
Usually, it is free software, and you can search it in inter-net.

1.6.2.For launch(send) void-jar
Beforehand, you must prepare ftp server(or etc) and commentary-home-page,
(as you chack in manual).

In launch, o-ba-ma directory launches.

If using launch-voy, making jndex.voy out of o-ba-ma directory's files.

If using compress-voy, making .zip and .tar.gz(if tar exists) file.

Finally, you can launch(upload) void-jar to your ftp, server etc.

Sample is here.

You had better set a path to C:\void-jar\bin .
You had better clean base directory before these works.
If you don't know what to do, you'll search with inter-net,
with key word.
If you don't know how to download, etc, then
you'll search with the key word, "download file IE", "download using ftp", etc.  

If you launch(upload) jndex.voy to your ftp, you must check your ftp's contract
which upload is available or not.
It is all your responsibility, as you see in license.  

Idea (under)

Void-jar was conceived with crystal radio or craft plane in 1920's.

Here, we imagine a computer's and internet's structures,
and will know them, 
throw a pleasure.

Moreover, we'll make void-jar be a simple and stylish industrial design's.

More message

I am the traveler, and just begun is my journey.

we agree with the below.
1. To have a huge body, spirit, mind.
2. To laugh at with everybody.
We recruitment below.
3.Men and women who love Christ. 



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